Wind Farm Living

Skilling People Up with Knowledge

The Late Senator John Madigan

The Madigan Speech, 15 September 2015

The Speech on Video: Calling Out Corruption in the Wind Industry

2012 Senate Inquiry – Bill 2012

Second Reading

Proof Committee

Proof Adjournment Wind Farm Speech 2013

Proof Adjournment Wind Farm: Health Effects Speech 2014

Submission 470: Waubra Wind Farm – Impacted Neighbour

Mary Morris – Submission to the Select Committee on Wind Turbines: Submission 464

Introduction: Waterloo Survey

SA 2003 Wind Farm Noise Guidelines

Morris – Hansen letter

SA 2009 Wind Farm Noise Guidelines

Effect of SA2009 40dB(A) limit vs SA2003 35dB(A) limit on Compliance at Dixon Property

Comments on Waterloo Wind Farm Compliance Testing at House 24

Chronology of SA EPA and other SA Regulatory Authorities Awareness of Wind Farm Noise Complaints

Inconsistencies between SA Wind Farm and Frost Fan Noise Guidelines and Setback/Separation Distances

UK Policy Framework: How to recognise when noise could be a concern

Letter to SA EPA

Various Graphs Comparing MDA’s Predicted Noise Levels with Actual Noise Levels

Letter – Schomer and Associates: Standards Director, Acoustical Society of America

Hansen Comments on the SA EPA Waterloo Wind Farm Environmental Noise Study 2013

Hessler Comments to Australian EPA Study at the Waterloo Wind Farm

Schomer Endorsement of Hessler Letter

Walker Endorsement of Hessler Letter

Placement of EPA monitoring gear at TOWNSHIP site and how this relates to their own Guidelines

Location of EPA Loggers at Six Sites around the Waterloo Wind Farm 2013

Ongoing issues with the SA EPA: Not responding to information requests and not addressing impacts on Waterloo Residents

Changes in Infrasound Levels during on-off testing at Waterloo Wind Farm in 2013